A Kansas Criminal Defense Attorney on Your Side
When you hire me as your criminal defense attorney, you’re getting representation that is 100% determined to achieve the absolute best outcome. I focus on hard work, quick action and persistence in the defense of my clients. My creative, no-nonsense approach is based on strength, experience and a commitment to helping my clients achieve their future goals and minimize the negative consequences of a potentially life-changing mistake.

Benefit From Invaluable Experience
I began my criminal law practice more than 15 years ago in order to provide personal attention and dedicated advocacy to clients in the Kansas City area whose lives and futures hang in the balance because of a criminal charge or arrest. If you are under investigation for a crime or charged with a criminal offense, contact me immediately to schedule a free and completely confidential assessment of all your legal defense options.
During your free consultation, I’ll listen carefully and dig deep to find out what is really most important to you. As your criminal defense attorney, I will help you balance your need to stay out of jail or avoid paying a major fine. My aim is to help you put your life and future back on track after an arrest.
I am a criminal defense trial attorney. That means that I don’t look for the easy way out. I will not sacrifice your future goals or your family’s security for an easy plea deal. I am firmly committed to leaving no stone unturned in your defense, and I will never give up on you, even if every obvious defense option is exhausted. I will fight to find creative solutions and novel approaches to giving you the best defense I possibly can.
Civil Law Defense
Defendants in assault or other violent crime cases may be subject to civil litigation, such as a personal injury lawsuit for damages, even if charges have been dropped or a jury has found them not guilty. I take your defense very seriously and will stand up for your rights in civil court with the same determination that I show in criminal proceedings.
Contact Us Today—Se Habla Español
I want to help you. To get started with a free consultation, contact the Law Office of Kevin E. Dellett, Chtd. at (913) 897-0897 or complete and submit our online contact form. After-hours and out-of-office appointments are available, and credit cards and PayPal are accepted for your convenience.