Experienced, Determined DUI Defense
The laws regarding driving under the influence (DUI) have become harsher in recent years. Penalties are stiff and range from fines and lengthy license suspension to strict probation and jail time. A subsequent conviction for drunk driving can lead to even more serious consequences, with a third arrest leading to a felony DUI charge. Other factors, including the presence of a child under the age of 14, can increase fines and the length of potential incarceration. Since police and prosecutors take these charges seriously, you need me—an experienced DUI defense lawyer—to achieve the best results for you.

A DUI Defense Lawyer Working Hard on Your Behalf
I will pull out all the stops in your DUI defense because I understand the life-changing consequences of conviction. I will work hard to minimize the long-term negative consequences and will fight to have your impounded vehicle released so that the disruption to your family’s life can be reduced.
Many of my DUI clients realize that obtaining alcohol treatment may be part of an effective DUI defense. It demonstrates a willingness to address any potential problem and can help me reduce the severity of punishment. If you are willing to take real action to preserve your future and reach your goals, I am the DUI defense lawyer for you.
Other DUI-Related Traffic Violations Defense
I can also help you handle any independent or DUI-related traffic violations committed in the Kansas City area:
- Speeding
- Reckless driving
- Endangerment
- Driving on a suspended license
- Lack of insurance
- Underage drinking
- Violation of the state’s open container law
- Breathalyzer test refusal
From a first-time arrest to multiple felony charges, I will be there to protect your rights and your future. Don’t let a drunk driving charge keep you from achieving your goals. Rely on the Law Office of Kevin E. Dellett.
Contact Us Today—Se Habla Español
If you’re facing charges or have questions, call Law Office of Kevin E. Dellett, Chtd. for help today at (913) 897-0897, or fill out and submit our online contact form.