Underage DUI Charges in Kansas
Defense Attorney for Minors Facing Drunk Driving Charges
When a youngster is charged with underage DUI, more is at stake than their license to drive. Underage DUI is a serious criminal charge. Your child’s future may be in jeopardy.

I represent minors charged with DUI and other alcohol-related crimes like underage possession and consumption of alcohol in Kansas. I know that kids make mistakes and sometimes have to suffer the consequences. But should your child have to bear the stigma of a permanent criminal record because of an error in judgment? If you need a defense lawyer with the strength, experience and dedication to protect your child from the potentially serious consequences of an underage DUI conviction, contact me today.
Free Consultation • Se Habla Español • (913) 897-0897
In my 15 years of criminal defense experience in the Kansas City area, I have successfully represented many juvenile clients charged with underage DUI. Often, the important thing in these cases is to keep the minor out of jail.
Depending upon the circumstances, the judge may look favorably upon a plea agreement that offers your child an alternative to jail time. It is my job to help the judge understand that society’s interests may be best served by giving my juvenile client a second chance.
Fight Underage DUI Charges • Get Strength on Your Side
Call my office in Overland Park at (913) 897-0897 or e-mail me now to schedule a free and completely confidential consultation. I will get to work immediately to protect your child’s rights and future against a serious criminal charge of underage DUI. After-hours and out-of-office appointments are available, and credit cards and PayPal are accepted.
After all is said and done, it may be necessary to seek an expungement of your child’s criminal record. If a prior conviction for underage DUI remains on his or her record, it may cause problems in the future. If you need the immediate assistance of a Kansas defense lawyer with a long-term defense strategy, please contact me today.