Alternatives to Jail in Drug Cases

Talk to a Lawyer Before You Plead Guilty to Drug Charges

A Strong Drug Court Advocate Can Help You Avoid Jail or Prison

I have represented countless men, women and juvenile clients in Kansas who wanted just one thing — to avoid doing time on a drug charge. Police and prosecutors know that people will sometimes make statements against their own interests or take unfavorable plea deals just to avoid going to jail or prison.

That is one reason why it is so important to have the strength and experience of a proven criminal defense attorney on your side. I will not only work to protect you from overzealous law enforcement, but I can help you take advantage of the real options and real alternatives to jail available in drug court, such as:

  • Drug abuse counseling and treatment (in-patient or out-patient)
  • Drug diversion programs for youthful and first-time offenders
  • Alternative sentences (often referred to as work-release, home restriction or weekend jail)

To learn whether drug court may offer alternatives to jail time in your case, please contact my office in Overland Park, Kansas, today.

Experienced Drug Court Lawyer • A Focus on Results • (913) 897-0897

Not every case qualifies for drug court. Not every judge is particularly interested in giving you a second chance. It is my job to know the system and to use my more than 15 years of criminal law experience to help you get a second chance after a drug arrest for:

Ultimately, the only sure way to keep you out of jail is to beat your drug case outright. I have extensive experience and a proven track-record in defending individuals accused of high-profile state and federal drug crimes.

Effective Defense Based on Strength and Experience • Se Habla Español

From the moment of the arrest, I can start working to explore every option available for minimizing the potential consequences and avoiding jail time. Contact me immediately.

I am licensed to represent clients in Kansas and am fully familiar with the drug courts and diversionary programs available in both states. After-hours and out-of-office appointments are available, and credit cards and PayPal are accepted for your convenience.