Domestic Violence

Kansas Defense Lawyer: Domestic Violence Charge

Spousal Abuse • Violation of Restraining Order • Domestic Battery

The truth in Kansas is this: If the police are called out on a report of domestic violence, someone will go to jail. Prosecutors have a strong “no drop” policy in domestic violence cases and will not drop a case even if the alleged victim recants his or her story. Recanting a story can also open a person up for charges of perjury or obstruction of justice since many alleged victims are designated as material witnesses at trial.

Effective Defense Based on Strength and Experience • (913) 897-0897

For over a decade, I have represented clients in the Kansas City area who have been charged with domestic violence and related offenses, such as violating a restraining or no-contact order, stalking and making terroristic threats. I bring strength and experience to your defense and will fight hard to protect your rights. Contact my office in Overland Park, Kansas, today for a free consultation.

The domestic violence court will prosecute all manner of offenses relating to domestic relationships, including dating relationships. These include nonviolent offenses, such as telephone harassment, false imprisonment and felony stalking. A domestic violence charge can have serious consequences, which is why hiring the right defense lawyer is a crucially important decision.

Experienced Defense Attorney • Free Consultation • Se Habla Español

A conviction for domestic violence can revoke your right to own or carry a gun for any reason, including for hunting. Even an accusation or arrest will likely have a negative effect on child custody and visitation rights. There are also immigration implications that may make it difficult to obtain or renew a green card. It is important to get strength and experience on your side as soon as possible to protect your freedom and your family.

Olathe • Kansas City • Johnson County • Wyandotte County, Kansas

If you have been charged with domestic violence or any related offense, contact me immediately to get strength, experience and determination on your side. After-hours and out-of-office appointments are available, and credit cards and PayPal are accepted for your convenience.

Civil restraining orders and protection from abuse or protection from stalking orders often go hand in hand with a domestic violence charge. If a judge says no contact, then make sure you have no contact, regardless of what your accuser says or does. Violating a no-contact order can result in a consecutive jail sentence and can jeopardize your chance at probation. Contact me for more information.