Bar Fights

Assault Charges Arising Out of Simple Altercations

When alcohol is involved, a disagreement can quickly get out of hand. When an argument at a drinking establishment turns into a shoving match or blows are exchanged, one or more participants may find themselves facing serious assault charges.

The fact is, police and prosecutors are not concerned whether a bar fight was mutual or an unprovoked attack. They don’t necessarily care how seriously either party was injured. You can be arrested for assault even if all you did was push an unruly bar patron who tried to start a fight.

Charged in a Bar Fight? Get Strength on Your Side. Call (913) 897-0897.

If you’ve been charged with assault, battery or another violent crime as a result of a bar fight, you need strength and experience on your side. Contact me today. I will sit down with you to talk through the incident and get a clear picture of exactly what happened. I can then explain your defense options. Whether through negotiation with police and prosecutors or defending your rights at trial, I will always strive to minimize the negative consequences to your life and your criminal record.

I will leave no stone unturned in your defense. I will interview witnesses, analyze statements and scour police reports for evidence to support your position. I have a proven ability to help police and prosecutors see reason, to understand that a serious criminal prosecution may not be appropriate in a simple bar fight case.

Experienced Bar Fight Assault Defense Attorney • Se Habla Español

If you need a defense attorney with proven experience in these cases, contact me today. After-hours and weekend appointments are available when necessary, and credit cards and PayPal are accepted for your convenience.

If someone was badly hurt or even died in a bar fight and you are now faced with aggravated assault, attempted murder or weapons charges, it is vitally important to have an experienced defense lawyer on your side immediately. I have over 15 years of criminal trial experience in high-stakes and high-profile state and federal cases.